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City of Mount Clemens opposes DTE's proposed rate increase

Mount Clemens pushes back on DTE rate hike
Mount Clemens pushes back on DTE rate hike 00:49

MOUNT CLEMENS, Mich. (CBS DETROIT) - The Mount Clemens City Commission unanimously approved a resolution opposing DTE Energy's proposed $456 million rate increase.

If approved by the Michigan Public Service Commission, the increase would go into effect in January 2025 and result in residents paying, on average, $11 more a month.

In response, City Manager Gregg Shipman submitted a resolution on Monday to Mayor Laura Kropp and the city commission, stating that the increase would "result in serious hardship for Mount Clemens residents."

"Mount Clemens needs to stand with our attorney general and fellow Michiganders in opposition to this increase," Shipman said.

The commission voted on the resolution in an April 15 meeting.

DTE issued the following statement in response to the resolution:

"DTE is committed to providing our customers with the reliable and affordable energy they deserve, including reducing power outages by 30 percent and cutting outage time in half over the next five years, while keeping customer bills below the national average and rate increases below the rate of inflation. We also know that no matter how modest a bill increase is, it disproportionally impacts our most vulnerable customers, which is why DTE and our agency partners offer a variety of assistance options to help customers in need. Last year, we worked closely with local and state agencies to connect customers to nearly $160 million in energy assistance."  

The resolution comes after Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel filed a notice of intervention to MPSC, which previously approved a $368 million rate increase in December 2023.

"This latest rate hike request from DTE is, frankly, absurd in both the astounding dollars and obnoxious timing—requesting yet another $450 million not even four months since their last rate hike was approved," Nessel said after filing the notice.

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