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Metro Detroiters React To First Presidential Debate

DETROIT (WWJ/AP) - Metro Detroiters woke up Thursday morning with tons of feelings and opinions following the first presidential debate between Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama.

With early voting already under way in dozens of states, Republican Romney was particularly assertive in the 90-minute event that drew a television audience likely to be counted in the tens of millions — like a man intent on shaking up the campaign with a little less than five weeks to run.

Democrat Obama in turn accused his rival of seeking to "double down" on economic policies that actually led to the devastating national downturn four years ago — and of evasiveness when it came to prescriptions for tax changes, health care, Wall Street regulation and more.

PHOTO GALLERY: First Presidential Debate

At times the debate turned into rapid-fire charges and retorts that drew on dense facts and figures that were difficult to follow. The men argued over oil industry subsidies, federal spending as a percentage of the GDP, Medicare cuts, taxes and small businesses and the size of the federal deficit and how it grew.

Obama sometimes seemed somewhat professorial while Romney was more assertive and didn't hesitate to interrupt the president or moderator Jim Lehrer, who seemed to struggle to maintain control.

Several people called the WWJ Listener Comment Line at 248-455-7230, with their reactions to the debate. Here are just some of the comments we received:

-- "Mitt Romney showed command of his knowledge concerning the subjects that need to help America recover."

-- "Neither Republicans or Democrats are for the working person. They're all against us."

-- "The President didn't seem as enthusiastic about this debate compared to when he ran in the last election."

-- "Governor Romney made more sense. He was clear and got straight to the point."

-- "There weren't enough specifics on either side. If you ask me, they both lost the debate."

-- "Romney eviscerated the President."

-- "Romney talks a lot but he doesn't have any action plans to solve any problems."

-- "Obama looked down at the ground a lot. He looked ashamed or upset. His expression was a look of defeat."

-- "Obama didn't have the news media to spin for him."

--"I believe Romney won the debate last night by technical knockout."

-- "Mr. Obama did a fantastic job. I think Romney just talked about the same stuff. We should be proud of the President's performance."

-- "If everyone in America watched the debate last night, Mitt Romney would surely win the election."

-- "I think the moderator was horrible. How did he get that job?"

Where do you weigh in? Leave your comments below.

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