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Help To Organize Is A Click Away

DETROIT (WWJ) - Cleaning out that messy basement, a bedroom or closet, or maybe office space. There's still time to get it done, and Andrea Wolf can help. Four years ago, she started her own company, called "NEAT" which stands for, "Need Everything Away and Tidy."

"What we do is, we will go ahead and prioritize, and I help them determine where is exactly the best place to start. And at that point we set up a time, so when I come in, I know what I'm walking into and what the specific goal for that day is," says Wolf.

Wolf says a lot of times, people get overwhelmed by the way their home looks, and they simply give up. 

"At that time I never thought what I found so enjoyable and easy, was really quite a bone of contention and a thorn in a lot of people's side, because it is very overwhelming to walk into a storage room or walk into a closet and say,"Aghh, I just have to get to this one day."" says Wolf.

Wolf says a lot of people are too embarrassed to ask someone else to do this kind of work.

"I give my clients a lot of credit, and I think in the end, they really feel good about letting somebody come in and show them how to get control of something that has really been bothering them for a long time," adds Wolf.

"My goal is, is to set people up to move forward, whether if the area or room gets messy again, I've given them all the tools necessary in order to get it back to the way I have left it," says Wolf.

Wolf says that creating 'homes' for those must-have items is a way to eliminate the piles that we all know have a way of stacking up.

Click on here to find out more about NEAT.

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