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Girl Rescued From Fire Dies


An 8-year old girl who was rescued from a burning home in southwest Detroit Thursday has died.  On life support since the incident, Tahanne Shohatee died of her injuries Friday morning, Children's Hospital officials said. A Detroit man is being credited with rescuing the girl from his neighbor's burning home on the city's southwest side Thursday morning. Lee Talos awoke to the sound of children crying and sprang into action when he learned a child was trapped inside the burning house on Trenton Street.  

Talos said he made a couple of attempts to get in.  

"I tried to go again, you know, jump on the garbage can and tried to throw myself in the open window – I couldn't, the smoke was so hard," Talos said. "Then, I remembered I have a mask, I might actually have two of those, the rubber ones, big ones… and I run in the house and called my son Josh and said help me out to get a mask," he said.  

Talos got in on his third attempt, and got the girl out. 

Tahanne was taken to a local hospital where she was on a respirator until she passed away Friday morning.  

Detroit Fire officials said Tahanee's father suffered severe burns while trying to rescue his family of seven from the burning home.  Another daughter, 7-year-old Maha, suffered from smoke inhalation but was expected to recover.  

The fire's cause is under investigation.  

  (Copyright 2010 WWJ.  All Rights Reserved.)

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