$250,000 Effort Planned For Eastern Market
DETROIT (AP) — A local nonprofit on Friday announced a new effort to encourage the creation of jobs and businesses while strengthening the community in Detroit's Eastern Market.
Eastern Market Corp., which manages the market and its adjacent commercial district, will use $250,000 from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation to update and enhance a 2008 development plan.
"This recharged development strategy will ensure that all of the district's stakeholders are included in its growth and enhancement," said Katy Locker, Knight Foundation program director for Detroit. "It will also focus on preserving the history of the district, while taking into account new opportunities and the interests of adjacent neighborhoods."
Detroit residents will be able to offer their input and join a task force. Local and international experts will also contribute by addressing the city's changing landscape and revitalization efforts.
"While we have enjoyed recent growth ... we need a framework that allows us to maintain our authenticity as a working food district while welcoming new uses," said Dan Carmody, president of the Eastern Market Corp.
The project will ultimately increase retail businesses and jobs by helping the Eastern Market District become a more established place for food production, processing and distribution. It will also highlight public spaces for community members to connect.
Eastern Market attracts more than 2 million visitors annually as a central source of fresh food for the Detroit area since 1891.
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