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White Sox in talks to trade pitcher Dylan Cease, but no deal yet

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CHICAGO (CBS) – Dylan Cease is still a Chicago White Sox pitcher, for now.

New general manager Chris Gets said the White Sox have spoken to multiple teams about moving the 2022 Cy Young runner-up, but there's nothing imminent.

Getz hasn't been shy about his willingness to trade Cease, whose 4.58 earned run average was the worst since his rookie season. But Getz said so far, he hasn't found a fit that would improve his club.

"We've had conversations about Dylan Cease, but I also know that you know, we're not going to move a player like Dylan or anyone else unless we feel like we're gonna benefit," he said. "So it's gotta be a right fit for certainly all parties. A lot of these conversations are ongoing. There's a lot that goes into any sort of trade transaction. There's a lot of conversations, build-up, research, and obviously getting it to the finish line. It's part of the offseason. We'll continue to do that, to find ways to make our club better."

Getz also added that the White Sox are preparing Garrett Crochet to be a starting pitcher next season and that the team is in the market for a right fielder.

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