Thousands Of Bicyclists Take Part In 'Bike The Drive'
CHICAGO (CBS) -- 20,000 bicyclists were expected at the "Bike the Drive," a 30-mile circuit which closed down Lake Shore Drive from Bryn Mawr on the north to 57th Street on the south.
Thousands Of Bicyclists Take Part In 'Bike The Drive'
It was a cooler day than last year. Two years ago, heavy fog blanketed the drive.
It's the beauty of the day and the non-competitive nature of the Bike The Drive that appealed to Paul and Rose Santana.
"There is no race, there is no award for first place," said Paul Santana.
Registration fees on the day-of are $58. Fees go to the Active Transportation Alliance, an advocacy group for bicyclists.
Divvy, the company that's running Chicago's bike-sharing program, showed off his bikes. Details of the long-awaited program - and locations of the 75 bike-sharing stations - are expected to be announced in the next few weeks.