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The Implosion Of Donald Trump In One Chart

CHICAGO (CBS) -- The total free fall of Donald Trump's presidential campaign is perfectly captured in this graphic.

The beginning of the end for Trump came almost immediately after he stunningly criticized the Muslim parents of a fallen war hero at the end of July.

On July 30, the probability of either Clinton or Trump winning in November was virtually even, according to an analysis by FiveThirtyEight.

A week after his remarks, Clinton's liklihood of winning rocketed to 81.5 percent, compared with Trump's 18.5 percent. In the ensuing days, Trump also tried to back-track after throwing NATO under the bus, claimed President Obama founded ISIS and said the election was rigged.

Clinton's chances of winning now stand at 87 percent.

FiveThirtyEight reaches its conclusions by simulating election result scenarios 20,000 times.

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