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Teacher: Relaxation Exercises Benefit Kids

MUNDELEIN, Ill. (WBBM) -- Calm kids are quieter and score better, according to a teacher who is now scheduling progressive relaxation for her class after lunch.

As WBBM Newsradio 780's John Cody reports, second grade teacher Amanda Theece says the kids like the exercises so much, they use them to chill in the school yard or at home.

LISTEN: Newsradio 780's John Cody reports


"It goes something like this – breathe in, I am, hold, exhale, calm," she said.

The exercise is part of the calm classroom curriculum already introduced into several Chicago Public Schools. Theece says relaxed kids aren't as noisy, and seem to score better on tests.

"There is a benefit to having the level of anxiety reduced and the stress level reduced, and really have the kids focus on what's important rather than their nerves," she said.

Theece teaches at the Fremont Intermediate School in north suburban Mundelein.

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