State Lawmakers Call On Quinn To Approve Ride-Sharing Regulations
(CBS) -- State lawmakers and others are calling on Governor Quinn to sign legislation that would increase regulations on so-called ride-sharing companies, reports WBBM Political Editor Craig Dellimore.
State Senator Martin Sandoval (D-Chicago) is joining the taxi industry in urging the governor to sign the bill he says imposes the kind of insurance regulations, driver requirements and background checks the new city ordinance only pretends to provide.
State Lawmakers Call On Quinn To Approve Ride-Sharing Regulations
"We need to ensure that he is going to help us ensure the drug dealers, the pedophiles, the rapists and murderers that are driving these private cars for hire around the state of Illinois do not put the people of Illinois in harm's way," said Sandoval.
Sandoval was asked if he knows of any such people driving for companies like UberX and Lyft.
"I'd like to get the information from UberX, they just won't provide it," said Sandoval.
There have been news reports of drivers with mostly minor criminal records.
Attorney Mara Georges represents the taxi industry, the Illinois Transportation Trade Association, says state legislation on Governor Quinn's desk offers protections that aren't in the ordinance passed by the City Council.
"We are all aware of the problems that have arisen from getting into a car with a stranger," said Georges. "That is why taxi and livery drivers go through extensive police background checks and drug tests, are required to carry proper insurance and have their vehicles inspected to meet certain safety standards."
However, companies like Lyft and UberX say the ordinance offers community-powered transportation without sacrificing public safety and they urge Governor Quinn to veto the bill.