LIVE UPDATES: Another Curfew In Kenosha After Third Day Of Unrest Over Police Shooting Of Jacob Blake, Whose Father Says He's Paralyzed From Waist Down
KENOSHA, Wis. (CBS)-- Confrontations between protesters and police continued Tuesday night, two days after police shot a Black man in the back several times.
Fires, looting, and confrontations with police have erupted in Kenosha, Wisconsin after a police officer shot Jacob Blake, 29 in the back on Sunday, seriously wounding him.
11:50 p.m.
Twitter reports indicate there are more fires late Tuesday night, including a tire fire in a car lot.
10:17 p.m.
Civic Center Park has been cleared. De Mar reports officers with shields were originally behind the fence now surrounding the courthouse, but they drove armored vehicles out to disperse the crowd and officers systematically followed the armored vehicle to push the crowd back, deploying pepper spray and flash grenade-type devices.
9:45 p.m.
Police over a loudspeaker are repeatedly ordering the crowd to disperse and are being met with profanity in response. A high-pitched alarm noise to clear the crowd is being sounded again as the crowd shoots off fireworks.
9:33 p.m.
Items, including fireworks and a traffic cylinder, are being thrown at an armored vehicle belonging to Sauk County, Wisconsin northwest of Madison as it moves locations.
9:21 p.m.
Protesters are chanting, "No justice no peace, no racist police!" and a call-and-response chant of "Black Lives Matter," and also chanting Jacob Blake's name. Most remained on the grass several feet away from the fence that went up.
9 p.m.
CBS 2's Charlie De Mar reports gas has been deployed and a loud, piercing siren has sounded to disperse the crowd outside the courthouse. Large objects and fireworks have been thrown at police.
8:41 p.m.
McPherson reports protesters have arrived at a fence that has now been set up in front of the courthouse, while the National Guard has pulled back.
8:02 p.m.
The curfew in Kenosha is now in effect. A peaceful protest is under way outside the county courthouse.
7:21 p.m.
Mark McPherson of CBS 58 Milwaukee reports people have now shown up armed at a Black Lives Matter rally in Kenosha and are quarreling with protesters.
6:24 p.m.
CBS 2's Charlie De Mar reports a group called "Armed Citizens to Protect Our Lives and Property" is planning on showing up at the time of the 8 p.m. curfew outside the Kenosha County Courthouse, where police clashed with protesters Monday night.
Some were apparently already showing up more than an hour and a half ahead of that time.
6:07 p.m.
Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth issued the following statement urging people to abide by the curfew and stay home:
"As we enter what will likely be another very challenging night in Kenosha County, I want the public to know that the Kenosha County Sheriff's Department and our partners in law enforcement are doing our utmost to protect our community during this unprecedented time of unrest.
"We are working alongside members of the Kenosha Police Department and law enforcement departments from across Wisconsin, as well as state and federal authorities and the Wisconsin National Guard, in a concerted attempt to minimize the spread of the destructive behavior that has plagued us since Sunday night.
"People are frustrated, I get it. And they're scared. I certainly get that, too. Rumors abound on social media and elsewhere, with widely varying levels of truth to them. We know that much of the damage is being inflicted by people coming in from outside our community, with the intent to rob and destroy, not to engage in their First Amendment right to demonstrate.
"The best thing our residents can do to stay safe is to stay home tonight and abide by the curfew that will be in effect from 8 p.m. until 7 a.m. tomorrow. If you want to protest peacefully, by all means go out and do it. It's your right. But don't be a part of this destructive force that's burning our community. That's not a productive path to justice.
"And know that we are working actively to continue marshaling the resources we need to bring this disruption under control. Just today, our county executive, Jim Kreuser, and our mayor, John Antaramian, worked with the governor to bring more National Guard troops to Kenosha tonight and in the coming days. And we are working to bring in help from federal authorities as quickly as possible.
"We are not sitting idly, watching the destruction of our community. We're making every effort to make it stop, and I hope you will too."
6 p.m.
Multiple businesses around Kenosha's Uptown neighborhood were completely burned out. As CBS 2 Investigator Megan Hickey reported, some residents called it a "war zone."
One of the businesses that was destroyed by fire was a family-owned mattress store. As late as early Tuesday evening, there was a small explosion in the burned-out building and Hickey and her crew had to move back for their safety.
The fire spread to several nearby businesses and even damaged the building across the street.
5:56 p.m.
A small rally and march in support of Jacob Blake is under way in Evanston. The site is across the street of the Jacob Blake Manor Apartments, 1615 Emerson St., which are named after Blake's grandfather, the late Jacob Blake Sr.
The elder Blake was the pastor of the Ebenezer Baptist AME Church on Emerson Street from the late 1960s to the late 1970s. The church said the reverend led the charge for equal and fair housing practices in Evanston.
An outdoor service of lament will also be held at 2 p.m. Sunday outside the Ebenezer Baptist AME Church, 1109 Emerson St.
3:51 p.m.
Blake's mother, Julia Johnson, also spoke at the news conference. She called for unity and condemned the looting and arsons that have been happening in Kenosha over the past couple of nights.
"It doesn't reflect my son or my family," Jackson said. "The violence and the destruction – he would be very unpleased. So I'm really asking and encouraging everyone in Wisconsin and abroad to take a moment in expanding your hearts. Citizens, police officers, firemen, clergy, politicians – do hake up justice on this level and examine your hearts."
Blake's sisters also spoke at the news conference, with one saying: "I'm not sad. I don't want your pity. I want change."
Crump said there will also be a march on Washington this week, to which the families of Blake, Floyd, Brianna Taylor, and other families have been invited. The goal is to "change the culture and the behavior of the policing in America before we have another Black person killed unjustifiably," Crump said.
3:29 p.m.
Attorney Ben Crump, who is representing Blake, appeared at a news conference in Kenosha along with Blake's father, Jacob Blake Sr., and mother, Julia Jackson.
Crump said Blake has been paralyzed and it will take a "miracle" for him to fully recover.
"His family is very faithful and they believe in miracles. But the medical diagnosis right now isthat he is paralyzed, and because those bullets severed his spinal cord and shattered some of his vertebrae… it is going to take a miracle for Jacob Blake Jr. to ever walk again," Crump said.
Attorney Patrick Salvi added that Blake was also left with holes in his stomach, had to have nearly his entire small intestine remove, and suffered kidney and liver damage. He was also shot in the arm, Salvi said.
2:05 p.m.
The Kenosha County Sheriff's office announced another curfew for areas east of Interstate 94, from 8 p.m. Tuesday through 7 a.m. Wednesday.
1:55 p.m.
Bulldozers were brought in to demolish what remained of the Wisconsin Department of Corrections building in Kenosha, after it was set on fire overnight, and reduced to rubble and ashes.
12:25 p.m.
CBS 2's Chris Tye confirmed "additional 'follow-on' troops from the Wisconsin National Guard are headed to Kenosha."
9 a.m.
Jacob Blake is a suffering paralysis from the waist down, his father confirmed, according to CNN. Blake's father said he was not sure if the paralysis was permanent or whether his son would recover some movement in the future.
8:55 a.m.
5 a.m.
Tuesday morning, CBS 2's Vi Nguyen was live at the Kenosha County Courthouse where she saw the damage left behind. She said the courthouse is boarded up and the building was set on fire, causing minor damage.
LIVE UPDATES FROM MONDAY: Unrest In Kenosha After Police Shoot Jacob Blake
Nguyen said city trucks parked to block buildings and streets have been set on fire and now are severely burned.
She said several garbage trucks were also torched Monday.
CBS 2's Vi Nguyen, Charlie De Mar, and Chris Tye contributed to this report.