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Schuster: Bulls Advance On

When asked what it was like to win his 1st playoff series Derrick Rose said he was "speechless" When pressed he said "Dont jinx me. I might not get anymore" Fat chance of that happening. Something tells me that Rose will be part of many series victories and championships too.

His first series victory came last night when the Bulls finally put together a good game and blew out the Pacers 116-89 to win in 5 games. Rose looked a bit rusty at the beginning but quickly found his pace and finished with a game high 25 points. His back to back 3 point field goals in the 3rd quarter helped blow the game open and also allowed him to rest his sore ankle in the final quarter.

Rose was obviously instrumental in the victory but so was Luol Deng who had 24 points. Joakim Noah played with incredible energy totaling 14 points and 8 boards and so frustrated Indiana that Josh McRoberts was ejected for some vicious elbows. After the game Pacer forward Danny Granger called Noah a "coward" for how he was pushing the Pacers around. Sounds like sour grapes to me.

Carlos Boozer had yet another poor game finishing with just 2 points and 5 rebounds but he also got injured suffering a "turf toe" in the 2nd quarter. He was limping around pretty good after the game and fortunately has until next Monday to recover. That's when the Bulls will open their next series against either Atlanta or Orlando.

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