Poll: Garcia And Emanuel "Likely Even" In Mayoral Runoff
CHICAGO (CBS) -- A new poll shows, with five weeks until the election, the race for mayor essentially is a dead heat.
Chicago polling firm Ogden & Fry said a poll of more than 2,000 people conducted Wednesday and Saturday showed Mayor Rahm Emanuel with 42.8 percent of the vote, and Cook County Commissioner Jesus "Chuy" Garcia with 38.6 percent of the vote, and 18.6 percent of voters undecided.
According to Ogden & Fry, Garcia also benefits from underpolling of the Hispanic vote, meaning Hispanic votes typically are underrepresented in pre-election polls, and Garcia's support could be even stronger.
"Garcia is likely even with Emanuel as the runoff season begins," the firm said in a statement Sunday night.
Garcia won 34 percent of the vote last week, but his strongest showing in pre-election polls was only 26 percent, while Emanuel's 45 percent showing on Election Day came much closer to polls conducted just before the election.
Emanuel and Garcia both repeatedly have met with former candidate Willie Wilson since Election Day. While Wilson told CBS 2's Dana Kozlov he would vote for Garcia, he also said he might publicly endorse Emanuel after consulting with his own supporters.
"I'm looking for the community to tell me who to endorse, alright? I've been very clear. I'm going to vote for Garcia. That's me as a person, alright? But that community who have taken and voted for me deserves the opportunity to tell me what to do," he said Sunday.
It's a somewhat confusing stance from a man whose support would be welcomed by either candidate. Wilson received more than 50,000 votes last week.