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Martz Shrugs Off Cutler's Unkind Words

(CBS) When Bears offensive coordinator Mike Martz found out his quarterback directed an obscenity his way during the Bears' win Sunday, he did just as one would expect -- he downplayed it.

"If (his expletive) was at me, that's probably the nicest thing a player said to me during a game," Martz said before Wednesday's practice. "Hey, during a game there are a lot of things being said. That's not an issue. It's just part of the deal."

Martz explained that stuff is just part of the game.

"We work through all that stuff," Martz said. "… He has been terrific. I have no complaints about him at all. He's brilliant, a brilliant guy. The only downside to that is sometimes I have a tendency to want to do too much because he is so smart."


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