Divvy Bike Sharing Will Continue To Operate During Winter
CHICAGO (CBS) -- With the possibility of snow on the horizon, what happens to all those Divvy bikes around Chicago? WBBM's Nancy Harty finds out.
"We're going to be a year-round operation and we'll be available 24-7, 365 days a year," said Elliott Greenberger, deputy general manager of Divvy.
Greenberger says the bikes will be available through the winter, but how many remains to be seen.
Divvy Bike Sharing Will Continue To Operate During Winter
"It just depends on the weather. We've seen the past week the weather start to dip and we still see thousands of rides every day so we know that people are still going to use the bikes," said Greenberger.
The company gets ridership data in real time, so he says they will be able to adjust quickly to changing needs. He says they will fix any bike problems associated with road salts and will only shutdown during severe weather.
Greenberger says for those who haven't yet tried the bike sharing service, winter may be a good time do to it as there is no waiting in the cold for a bus or a train and no road salt ruining your bike.
Divvy's parent company also runs bike-sharing programs in New York, Washington DC and Boston where they've learned about biking in cold weather.
Divvy is expected to open five more stations this week, bringing the total to 300.