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Cowley: Danks Is Confident That An Extension Will Come

By Joe Cowley--

GLENDALE, Ariz. – White Sox starter John Danks is still under Sox control through the 2012 season, but several failed attempts to sign him to a contract extension have been a head-scratcher.

Relax Sox fans, the lefty feels like there is still plenty of time for his name to be signed on a dotted line.

"We're not in a position where we have to get something done,'' Danks said on Wednesday, a day before Sox pitchers and catchers were expected into camp. "I'm going to still be here next year, so.''

According to Danks, the dialogue from both sides remains good, but it's more about timing than anything else. With the club looking to add the big bat of Adam Dunn, reinforce the bullpen and make sure to keep both A.J. Pierzynski and Paul Konerko home, the timing wasn't right this past winter.

"I mean it kind of goes both ways,'' Danks said. "Yeah, we would have liked to try and have gotten something done, but there are other needs that needed to be done. I mean going out and getting Adam Dunn, going and bringing Paulie and A.J. back. There was other stuff that was way higher on the list than me, so I'm not losing any sleep over it. I'm happy and I think they're happy with where we're at, so we have plenty of time to get something done.''

Danks avoided arbitration by signing a $6 million deal this year, and could jump up to the $8-$9 million range in '12 if all goes well.

The Sox still have time on their side.

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