Calls To Reopen The Case After Video Shows Chicago Native Sandra Bland Was Recording On Her Cell Phone During Traffic Stop
CHICAGO (CBS) -- Trooper dashcam video has been released of Sandra Bland's 2015 traffic stop in Texas, but a new 39-second video obtained by reporter Brian Collister of the Investigative Network shows Bland was also recording on her cell phone.
Now there are calls to reopen the case against the trooper.
The Bland family says the new video confirms their suspicions because until now the family and the public have only seen the dash cam video.
"You mind putting out your cigarette please? If you don't mind?" Trooper Brian Encinia can be heard saying on police dashcam video.
"I'm in my car. Why do I have to put out my cigarette?" Bland can be heard saying.
"Well, you can step on out now," Encinia said.
"I don't have to step out of my car," Bland said.
Encinia later claimed he ordered Bland out of her car because he said he feared for his safety.
"My safety was in jeopardy at more than one time," he said.
Encinia was indicted on perjury for his version of what happened in his arrest report, but what he never mentions in that audio interview is that he knew Bland was recording him because she told him so.
"I have a right to record," she said. "This is my property."
Three days later, Sandra Bland was found hanging in her jail cell. Her death was ruled a suicide.
The Investigative Network uncovered the never before seen video, and for the first time, it takes viewers inside her car to experience her arrest as if through her eyes.
Texas Rangers and the FBI searched Bland's cell phone during their investigation and discovered the video two months after Bland's death.
"Open up the case. Period. That's how I feel right now," said Bland's sister, Shante Needham.
"This not only shows that he lied, but that he really had no business even stopping her, period. And at the end of the day, he needs to go to jail."
Chicago attorney Cannon Lambert represented the Bland family in their civil rights lawsuit. He said he had never seen the phone video before.
"That video shows he's not in fear of his safety, she's not reaching for anything," Lambert said. "It's already in her hand and she's recording him. That's what that video shows"
The Texas state troopers and attorney general have declined to comment.
Here is the transcript from Bland's cell phone video:
Encinia: Get out of the car! Get out of the car now!
Bland: Why am I being apprehended? You're trying to give me a ticket for failure ...
Encinia: I said get out of the car!
Bland: Why am I being apprehended? You just opened my
Encinia: I'm giving you a lawful order. I'm going to drag you out of here.
Bland: So you're threatening to drag me out of my own car?
Encinia: Get out of the car!
Bland: And then you're going to [crosstalk] me?
Encinia: I will light you up! Get out! Now! (Draws stun gun and points it at Bland.)
Bland: Wow. Wow. (Bland exits car.)
Encinia: Get out. Now. Get out of the car!
Bland: For a failure to signal? You're doing all of this for a failure to signal?
Encinia: Get over there.
Bland: Right. yeah, lets take this to court, let's do this.
Encinia: Go ahead.
Bland: For a failure to signal? Yup, for a failure to signal!
Encinia: Get off the phone!
Bland: (crosstalk)
Encinia: Get off the phone! Put your phone down!
Bland: I'm not on the phone. I have a right to record. This is my property. Sir?
Encinia: Put your phone down right now. Put your phone down!
(Bland slams phone down on her trunk.)