At Issue: Democrat Chris Kennedy Disagrees Businesses Want Rauner 'Turnaround Agenda'
(CBS) -- Chris Kennedy, one of the Democrats running Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner's job, says the incumbent's turnaround agenda isn't based on reality.
WBBM Political Editor Craig Dellimore reports.
Kennedy says it's wrong to think of the governor's "Turnaround Agenda" as pro-business and also wrong to think of the state budget battle as a contest of wills between Rauner and Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan, D-Chicago.
He says he's not defending Madigan, but Rauner is holding out for measures the governor insists are needed to turn the state's economy around.
Kennedy says none of the 5,000 businesses he worked with in more than two decades at the Merchandise Mart ever raised concerns about lawmaker term limits, tort reform or redistricting other issues Rauner has focused on.
Kennedy is the guest on WBBM's "At Issue," which runs 9:30 a.m. and 9:30 p.m. Sunday.