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Assignment America

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Sorry, voting is now closed. The winning story will be revealed Monday night at 6:30 p.m. ET on the CBS Evening News. And tune in to catch Steve Hartman's report on Friday.

Send Steve to visit what looks like a country manor - but is actually America's nicest homeless shelter. One look and you'll wonder why anyone would leave?

Or, would you rather send Steve to the Lickety Split Chocolate Factory. It's a kid's paradise - lots of chocolate and no grownups. In fact, the CEO is just 15.

Steve could meet a man who's been to the top of Mount Everest more times than anyone - but his real dream is much more down to earth. He could find out how Apa Sherpa and his family are making it in America.

Note: If you have a popup blocker you may not see the "You have successfully voted" window on your screen but rest assured your vote has been counted. And remember, only your first vote counts.

Please feel free to E-mail us your Assignment America story ideas at

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