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Royal Links

Royals are everywhere: walking the beat in Brooklyn, selling stuff on TV, attending planning meetings in Palm Beach. Royalty is also all over the Web. Here are a few of the many kingly and queenly sites on the Net.

Princess Diana Webring:
If you're still fascinated by Princess Di, you're not alone. A Diana admirer has assembled a loose aggregation of sites, known on the Web as a "ring," concerning the Princess.

The Mad Monarchs Series : The British Monarchy has an official Web site. Here you can read a history of the Crown, read famous royal speeches, and read biographies of the present Royal Family.

The Mad Monarchs Series : Not all absolute rulers are as kindly and gentle as those on 48 Hours. Read about all manner of loony rulers at this site, which tells the stories of crazy kings and schizophrenic sultans throughout history.

The Japanese Imperial Household : Devoted to the Japanese ruling family, this site gives history, biographies, and photos.

The Concise Ivan The Terrible : Another gentle, measured ruler, Ivan, who controlled Russia for part of the 16th Century, had a particular love of torture, and killed his own son in a meaningless domestic squabble.

Royal History : This site has information on many Royals, from Alexander the Great to the Tudors. It also features an extensive bibliography on royalty

Royals: Home

written by David Kohn

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