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Romney gives press the slip at Trump meeting

Robyn Beck/Getty Images,Matthew Lewis

NEW YORK -- Two of the loudest voices in the presidential race met today -- but in as quiet a fashion as possible.

Donald Trump and Mitt Romney huddled for about an hour in midtown. Romney slipped out a side door, however, avoiding reporters and his campaign left it to the Trump camp to characterize the conversation.

While the talk between the two businessmen mostly focused on the economy, the deficit, jobs and China, the two also spoke about their personal lives and children, including Trump progeny Ivanka and Eric -- and a surprise guest appeared. Trump's wife, Melania, popped into the meeting "by coincidence", according to Trump spokesman Michael Cohen. "It was a lot of fun to say the least."

Cohen said the two men may have crossed paths before, but have not met since Romney announced his candidacy for 2012.

Next on Trump's presidential interview schedule: Florida Straw Poll winner Herman Cain. The two agreed Friday to meet in New York on Oct. 3. Trump has met with a number of presidential hopefuls, most of whom set up their appointments weeks ahead of time -- Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry and Mitt Romney. He also held meetings with Mike Huckabee, a 2008 contender who decided not to make the race, and Sarah Palin, the 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee, who has still not decided whether to get into the race.

Romney's campaign appeared to be trying to create a distraction to minimize press attention to the meeting. While Trump and the GOP presidential candidate were conferring, a Romney aide fretted and paced up and down the street, intimating to reporters that Romney had still not arrived, and was running late. special report: Election 2012

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