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House seeks answers from Holder on "Gunwalking"

Eric Holder headshot over house judiciary committee letter

"Is the program still active?"

That's just one of six questions that 14 Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee are posing to Attorney General Eric Holderin the ATF "Gunwalking" scandal.

Read the letter to AG Holder

Gunrunning scandal at the ATF

As a CBS News investigation has reported, current and former ATF agents say the agency intentionally allowed thousands of assault rifles and other weapons to cross the border into Mexico as part of a controversial plan to gain intelligence. Insiders refer to it as letting guns "walk."

Agent: I was ordered to let U.S. guns into Mexico

Two assault rifles ATF allegedly allowed to walk turned up at the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry last December. Suspects arrested in the murder of Immigration agent Jaime Zapata two months later were already under surveillance by ATF.

AK47s vs. bean bags in border drug war

Holder's office at first vehemently denied ATF has ever knowingly allowed weapons to get into the hands of suspected gunrunners for Mexico's drug cartels. However, when asked about it at a briefing yesterday, Holder didn't repeat the denial. Instead, he said the questions have to be taken seriously.

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