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Assignment America

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Sorry, voting is now closed. The story with the most votes will be revealed Monday night at 6:30 p.m. ET on the CBS Evening News. And tune in to catch Steve Hartman's report on Friday.

Here's a viewer suggestion from Lyn Robbins of Dayton, Ohio. Lyn thinks Steve should check out the National Dog Agility Championships, where the only thing crazier than the competitors are the stage-parent dog owners who live for this.

Steve could tell us the story of Robby Pederson. Robby's a bit behind the times - 132 years behind the times. This furniture maker refuses to use any tool that wasn't around in 1875. Someone give the kid a power drill ... or the Nobel Prize for Patience.

Or Steve could visit Beech Island, S.C. - known these days as the home of James Brown. But for 256 years, it was known as the home of the first-ever African-American Baptist congregation in the country. He could check out this living bit of history.

Note: Please note that Anti Virus software installed on your computer can sometimes conflict with voting, to ensure a recorded vote you can temporarily disable your Anti Virus software. As always only your first vote counts.

Please feel free to E-mail us your Assignment America story ideas at

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