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Amazon web service outage takes down Reddit, Airbnb, GitHub

Websites like Reddit, Airbnb and Github are experiencing outages, according to several reports.

The Next Web reports that sites hosted by Amazon web service (AWS) and Elastic Computer Cloud (EC2) are experiencing service disruptions. Airbnb, GitHub, Coursera and Flipboard went down Monday. It looks like GitHub and Flipboard are back online, however, Airbnb and Coursera are still currently inaccessible.

Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian tweeted that it was Amazon web services that took down Reddit.

Fast Company reported a major dip in traffic during the outage.

The Washington Post notes that Compuware's Outage Analyzer reported 60 domains may be affected by the outage.

A quick check of Amazon's status shows connectivity issues at its North Virginia data center, starting at 2:03 p.m. ET. Amazon did not immediately respond to CBS News' request for comment.

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