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3 Ways to Make the Case for Telecommuting

Working from home is such a good deal -- such a win-win proposition -- that it's surprising everyone doesn't do it. Teleworking should be a standard part of every job that doesn't require an in-office presence, like a nuclear power plant safety inspector, and say, air traffic controllers.

Studies show that teleworking improves productivity while reducing fuel costs, commute time, and improving work-life balance. But if you hope to convince your boss to let you work from home -- even just a day per week -- then you'll need to be armed with the right ammunition. Here are 3 things you should make a part of your telecommuting argument.

1. I'm self-motivated and self-directed. Your boss knows you, right? So point out specific examples of how you regularly work on your own without close supervision or oversight.

2. I have the tech savvy to operate from home, far away from IT. You don't have to be Topher from Joss Whedon's tragically cancelled Dollhouse, but you should be able solve common computer problems on your own. Can you show how you solve other people's PC problems in the office?

3. I've done it before. Of course, nothing beats real experience working from home in the past, either with another company or on your own as a freelancer. If you can show that you did it before, letting you telework seems like much less of a gamble.

Getting ready to ask your boss if you can work from home? Be sure to consider some of our other advice on getting permission to work from home.

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