Walker Brings Campaign Message To Dallas

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DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - With his poll numbers sagging both nationally and in Iowa, Republican presidential candidate and Wisconsin governor Scott Walker made a campaign  stop in Dallas on Wednesday morning.

He spoke to a group of around 100 people of all ages at the Highland Park Soda Fountain, where he also scooped up an old-fashioned vanilla ice cream soda.

In the Real Clear Politics Average of polls between August 11-30th, Walker is now in sixth place with 6.3%, behind billionaire Donald Trump, neurosurgeon Ben Carson, Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, Texas Senator Ted Cruz, and Florida Senator Marco Rubio.

During his stop here, Walker insisted he is not concerned about his lower poll numbers, and that he will be first across the finish line to become the GOP presidential nominee .

In remarks to reporters, Walker repeatedly stated that if elected, he plans to "wreak havoc" on the big-government special interests in Washington, DC.

When Walker was asked if Trump has wreaked havoc on his campaign, Walker said he wasn't concerned.  "Eight years ago and four years ago, the guy who was ahead in the polls at this point was not the nominee.  So I used to run track, and to me, the only time it's important when you're ahead, is when you cross the finish line.  I plan on being ahead when we cross the finish line in 2016."

If elected president, Walker told his supporters that, on his first day in office , he would both repeal Obamacare and tear up the nuclear deal with Iran.

Walker also said he would secure the Texas-Mexico border with a wall and fence along with technology and personnel.

He said he opposes amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Walker says he governs like a red state or conservative governor even though his state is blue or Democratic.

In short, he says he's a proven fighter.  "I've actually not just run something, I've done it under the most difficult circumstances of any of the candidates out there," Walker said. "I think the voters here in Texas should say there a lot of good people, many of whom are friends of mine, but none of them have been tested the way we've been tested."

(credit: Jack Fink/CBS 11 News)

Walker's trip Wednesday marks the fourth time he's been in the Lone Star State this year.

But it is his first visit to Texas since he announced he's running for President.

Aside from Dallas, Walker is also making campaign stops in San Antonio and Midland.

For some people who attended the Wisconsin Governor's Dallas event, this was an opportunity to see and hear him directly before deciding who to support.

Christy Peterson of Allen says, "We've actually come out to meet all of the presidential candidates .  He's definitely in the top five. I thought it was important to meet them in person and get their views and ask a few questions."

Peterson says she also likes Cruz, Carson, Fiorina, and former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum.

But she says she doesn't support Trump, the Republican frontrunner, because she believes he isn't conservative enough.

Others like Marshall Friedman of Dallas says he will continue supporting Walker no matter his poll numbers.

Follow Jack Fink On Twitter: @CBS11Jack

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