Trump Breaks Tradition, Grabs Dinner Without Press In Tow

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WASHINGTON (AP) — President-elect Donald Trump has broken with protocol by leaving his Trump Tower residence without taking along his press contingent.

The Trump transition team had informed reporters and photographers at Trump Tower that there would be no movement by the president-elect for the rest of the day and evening. Then, before 8 o'clock Tuesday, a presidential-style motorcade left the building unannounced.

That sent the press corps scrambling to find out if Trump was indeed in the motorcade and where it was heading.

It turns out that Trump is having dinner at the 21 Club. Reporters and photographers have caught up with him at the midtown Manhattan restaurant but are not allowed inside.

The episode calls into question whether the Trump transition team can be trusted to keep the press appraised of the president-elect's whereabouts at all times, as is the custom.

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