Ted Cruz Confronted By Kavanaugh Protesters At DC Restaurant

WASHINGTON, D.C. (CBSNEWS.COM) - Texas Sen. Ted Cruz was forced to leave a Washington, D.C. restaurant after being met by protesters chanting "we believe survivors." Cruz and his wife Heidi were seen being questioned by protesters in videos posted on Twitter by the account Smash Racism DC.

"I know you're very close friends with Brett Kavanaugh, do you believe survivors sir?" an unidentified woman in the video asks of Cruz as he sits down in a booth at the restaurant.

Cruz serves on the Senate Judiciary Committee which is set to hear directly from Judge Kavanaugh and one of his accusers, Christine Blasey Ford, on allegations of sexual assault stemming from over 30 years ago. Kavanaugh has categorically denied the allegations against him.

Cruz's opponent in the upcoming midterm elections, Democrat Beto O'Rourke, condemned the protesters, saying that it was "not right" the Cruz's were forced to leave the restaurant.

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