Manziel Talks About The Night The Cowboys Didn't Draft Him

DALLAS (105.3 THE FAN) - Johnny Manziel's NFL career was far less successful as his college career. Two years after a Heisman Trophy award winning season at Texas A&M, Manziel was drafted 22nd overall in the 2014 NFL Draft to the Cleveland Browns ... and the magic began to fade away.

Instead of donning the orange and brown in Cleveland, what if Manziel had been given a star in Dallas?

While attending the National Fantasy Football Convention in Dallas, Manziel sat down with 105.3 The Fan and talked about that 2012 draft night.

"We hadn't heard anything from them. We hadn't heard anything that might've been a chance," Manziel said. "Whenever they showed the stadium and they showed it on the TVs in the draft room ... There was a lot of buzz around that and a lot of people that wanted that to happen. They were going nuts."

Manziel says the excitement of Cowboys fans gave him notice. "That was really probably the only thing that got my blood going and got me probably a little bit thinking about it because I didn't think it would happen."

Instead, the Cowboys passed and took Zack Martin with the 16th pick. "I think they made a great pick that year. Obviously a guy that has been a staple of their offensive line," said Manziel. "It was an exciting time and its always kind of funny to think back what could have been."

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