Man Accused of Firing At Police & Firefighters Speaks From Jail

NORTH TEXAS (CBS 11 NEWS) - Inside a Dallas County jail cell, Douglas Leguin insisted he never intended to hurt anyone, including himself in a gated community in North Dallas on Monday afternoon.

Leguin said, "I'm sorry for all that stuff I did."

Police charged the 60-year-old Corinth man with seven counts of aggravated assault against a public servant.

On Monday afternoon, authorities say he fired shots from his AK-47 at police officers and firefighters, who responded to the neighborhood off Frankford Road between the Dallas North Tollway and Preston Road. Two bullets hit a fire truck, with firefighters inside.

During our interview, Leguin said he didn't try to hit them. He asked, "Did any bullets hit anybody that day? What is the answer?"
Leguin answered his own question, "No!"

When asked if people who are sitting in a vehicle that's being fired upon, believe or know at that point that he's not aiming for them, Leguin paused, and replied, "All they had to do is go down the road, I wasn't aiming at them."

Leguin is also accused of leaving suspicious devices in one of the residents' yards along North Forty Place. He said they weren't explosives.

Leguin also denied threatening a babysitter and an eight-year-old girl who were outside one of the homes. He said he politely warned them to go back inside.

When asked what he would say to the police officers and firefighters who responded that day, Leguin said, "I'm sorry if they were under stress, but it was a good training operation for them. They do get shot at."

Leguin says he did this to get his message out that America is broken, and that people need to vote to make changes. When asked if there are other ways to get his message out, Leguin said, "No, there's not any other way to do this, any other way is a going to be a blip on the screen, people in America unfortunately have to have a shocking event."

Leguin remains in the Dallas County Jail until he can be transferred to the Collin County Jail. He says, "I'm paying for what I'm doing."

Leguin will go to court in Collin County, where the alleged crime took place.

Dr. Sylvia Gearing, a Plano psychologist, says no one will take Leguin seriously. "This is a highly self-destructive act on his part that makes no sense at all. Anytime you use violence to get a message out, you are discrediting yourself from the get-go."

Corinth police said Tuesday that Leguin's wife told them he recently became depressed. Leguin denied that Thursday, and said he's perfectly sane. He says he needs a good lawyer, and that he realizes he may be behind bars for a while.

Follow Jack on Twitter: @cbs11jack

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