How UPS employees are protecting themselves against excessive heat

UPS employees take caution amid excessive heat

NORTH TEXAS ( – With excessive heat warnings in place, the health of UPS drivers and workers cannot be negotiated, especially when it comes to working long hours in the sun and in the heat.   

It's something the company and their employees take very seriously – and they want you to take it seriously as well.   

CBS News Texas

For many, battling the brutal Texas heat to do their job is simply part of the package. O'Shea Squalls, who has worked at UPS for 27 years, says "I knew that before I took the job. If I didn't like that, I wouldn't have applied for the position."  

Squalls, a package car driver in Dallas, is also a safety instructor in the company. He helps drive home a top priority around the globe – keeping the employees safe. 

Pumping up the workers at one of the facilities, Squalls tells everyone to "be safe and let's bring it home." For Squalls, 'bringing it home' is key. He's ready to deal with the elements before he ever steps foot inside the truck.  

He says "you have to prepare yourself each and every day and that mission starts at home. You start as soon as you wake up. You start hydrating."  

Before the drivers head out for their long shifts and different routes, ice cold water is provided at every facility. Light healthy snacks are often available as well. A major emphasis on beating the heat is also educating UPS employees on the food they pack and the food they eat.  

Squalls opens his cooler with several bottles of water, packaged watermelon, cantaloupe, almonds and walnuts. His light meal for the day? Chicken salad.

CBS News Texas

To further ensure every driver is armed and ready for the demands of a physical job amidst soaring temperatures, UPS put their thinking caps on when they contracted the services of Chris Valetta. Valetta is a former Texas A&M and NFL football player who co-founded the Mission company. 

Valetta says "the premise of our brand when we started we wanted to work with the best pro athletes in the world. People who are beating themselves up in hot conditions. We knew if we could make products for them, it could work for anybody."  

"Every driver in the United States has been provided with cooling arm sleeves and sun hats," he continued. 

Let's face it, we're all fans of the packages we send and receive being on time. 

It's nice to know provisions are being made and precautions are being taken by the folks who do their job in conditions many of us don't have to deal with. 

CBS News Texas

"That's the goal – get home to your family safely," Squalls said.

What everyone wants on any job is to get home safely to their family. 

O'Shea says UPS drivers and workers have clear cut protocols if they're suffering in the heat, like taking a quick break or parking in the shade, find an air conditioned area or contact their manager if they feel they can't continue. 

But, they are not encouraged to just push through. Anyone who works outdoors can also find Mission company products to help them beat the heat at almost any major retail store.

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