Philadelphia Resident Heading Back To Ukraine With Thousands Of Supplies For Native Country

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- As hundreds of thousands flee Ukraine and the region, a Philadelphia man with ties to the country is heading there amid the humanitarian crisis on the borders.

Thirty-eight-year-old Oleg is getting supplies and donations at a dizzying pace.

Oleg has chosen not to give Eyewitness News his last name for safety reasons, but he is Ukrainian and has lived in the U.S. since 1998.

Most of Oleg's family remains in Ukraine in the midst of the wartorn country, now under Russian attack.

"We're in constant contact," Oleg said. "The internet is working, various messaging apps. I was there in October."

Oleg is a Kensington resident and has been gathering supplies from the minute he heard of the Russian invasion on Feb. 24.

He's used social media and a tight friend circle to gather much-needed items for his home country.

"Clothing here, thermal clothing, wool socks, some protective gear, personal hygiene items, first aid," he said. "I just started utilizing my friend circles to help me with social media, with donations. I was not expecting -- it really blew up."

While Eyewitness News was in the midst of interviewing Oleg, someone donated a flight to Poland for him to begin his mission.

"My plan is to link up with a guy that has a car lined up for me who's also a Polish guy who reached out to me through the social media," Oleg said. "He's running supplies from Poland to the border."

Oleg plans to stay as long as necessary, saying he won't leave until Ukraine is liberated. He's humbled by the outpouring of support in Philadelphia and around the world.

"The whole world, really, is suffering because everybody's involved in this now," Oleg said.

In just 24 hours, Oleg says he received more than $7,700 in monetary donations and about $4,000 in materials. Those donations continue to grow.

Oleg is asking those who want to help to hold off on any further donations until he gets settled in Poland. He hopes to pick up more supplies after landing in Warsaw.

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