Stigall Show Log 6.10.15(Jeff Bolton Filling In)

6:00- Controversial Texas cop, Eric Casebolt has resigned from his post.

6:23- Jerry Seinfeld ranted about the "creepy PC" culture that exists in the world right now.

6:35- What's Trending: Taylor Swift invades the area; Rihanna annoyed the Golden State Warriors' owner; Homer and Marge will be legally separated.

6:48- New Jersey Senate panel approves bill authorizing breast milk banks.

6:50- NJ Supreme Court rules in favor of Gov. Chris Christie on pensions.

7:00- Nobody likes President Obama's trade deal.

7:06- President Obama spoke on the damage that would be done if Obamacare was removed.

7:18- Sen. Lindsay Graham promises a "rotating first lady" if he wins the presidency.

7:23- The new iPhone update will allow you to track your sex life.

7:38- Researchers have discovered what the key to happiness is.

8:00- Liberal students scare a liberal professor.

8:35- What's Trending: Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part II; Cinnimonson High School received the praise by Taylor Swift; Iggy Azalea had to pull out of Pittsburgh Pride festival; "Yo, I'm down with any adult"-Miley Cyrus; Sesame Street takes on Jurassic World.

8:48- The Phillies got thumped last night thanks to three home runs by Joey Votto.

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