'Riverdale's' Director Of Photography Breaks Down Show's Mysterious, Moody Lighting 

Philadelphia (CW Philly) — With scenes illuminated in deep blue and vivid red hues, Riverdale has a distinct aesthetic. The show's director of photography, Brendan Uegama, talked with Mashable about the inspiration behind Riverdale's moody lighting and how he's able to achieve the mysterious look.

"I've always tried to believe that you need to be able to understand the story without hearing the words, and that all comes down to visuals" Uegama told Mashable. 

In order to give viewers effective visuals, Riverdale showrunner, Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, asked Uegama to maintain an aesthetic throughout each episode.

With Aguirre-Sacasa's goal in mind, Uegama began perusing comic books for inspiration.

"We found Archie Afterlife... and we noticed that there's these very bold colors. Just walk in a room, and the room was all bright red, and then there would be a bright blue wash coming in from the door, and then the moonlight would be very saturated, and all of these different things that were just a departure from where the regular "Archie" was," Uegama explained. "So, we embraced that and we really tried to play with this look that was saturated, contrasty, and atmospheric."

Being the director of photography comes with its challenges, but Uegama reminds himself to always stick with honest storytelling.

"What I've always tried to do is be truthful to the script of what that story is, what that moment is, what that scene is, what those characters are going through and try to find a way to represent that visually."

What do you think of Riverdale's tonality? Sound off in the comments!

Click here to watch Uegama's interview.

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