Members Of Pennsylvania's Congressional Delegation Share Scary Experiences After Pro-Trump Mobs Breach US Capitol

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- Members of Pennsylvania's congressional delegation are sharing their experiences after a scary day at the U.S. Capitol, as mobs of President Donald Trump supporters breached the building. Capitol Police evacuated lawmakers from the floor of the Capitol, where Congress was set to count the Electoral College votes. The president and his supporters have called on Congress to reject the outcome of the November presidential election, which declared Joe Biden the winner.

In addition to lawmakers, Capitol Police also worked to evacuate and protect members of the press and congressional staffers. An unidentified woman was shot and killed inside the Capitol, as police tried to disperse a crowd captured on video breaking windows and doors in an attempt to get into a locked room.

Eyewitness News was able to speak to two Philadelphia-area congressmen, who were sheltering in place in the Capitol complex under police guard.

‪"They got in on the Senate side. The House was shut down, the speaker was moved, and the vice president was moved, but they didn't get to the location on the House side," Rep. Dwight Evans, D-PA 3rd District, said. "At the end of the day, I feel secure and I feel safe and I'm encouraging people, we're going to stay as long as it takes to complete our tasks"‬

"I never in a million years thought I would see this on the hallowed grounds of our nation's capital," Rep. Brendan Boyle, D-PA 2nd District, said. "Make no mistake about it, this crowd of thousands of people who want anarchy will not win. We will still carry through and do our duty and democracy will survive this."

Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pennsylvania, was unavailable for an interview but sent this statement to Eyewitness News: "This is an absolute disgrace. I appreciate the work of the United States Capitol Police under difficult circumstances. I am currently safe as are the few members of my staff that are currently at the Capitol complex."

Evans and Boyle said they and their staff in D.C. are safe, and they want to thank the many constituents who have reached out inquiring about their well-being.


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