John Fetterman Wins Democratic Pennsylvania Primary For Senate, AP Projects

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman secured the Democratic Party's nomination easily in Tuesday's Pennsylvania primary election just days after suffering a stroke caused by atrial fibrillation. The Associated Press called the race for Fetterman at 8:54 p.m.

The 52-year-old Fetterman voted Tuesday morning by emergency absentee ballot before undergoing a standard procedure to implant a pacemaker with a defibrillator. Gisele Barreto Fetterman, the Second Spouse of Pennsylvania, said Tuesday night Fetterman is "already on his way to a full recovery," and remains hospitalized in Lancaster.

Fetterman defeated three challengers for the bid -- Congressman Conor Lamb, state Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta and Alexandria Khalil.

"Before LT. Gov. Fetterman suffered a stroke last Friday, he was the frontrunner in the Democratic nomination so it's clear that his health episode did not have an impact on his vote tonight," CBS News chief election and campaign correspondent Robert Costa told CBS News Philly on Tuesday night. "He is someone who now stands to be the Democratic standard-bearer in Pennsylvania going into the November midterm elections."

"He's intriguing politically because he has mayoral roots in this state, a populist message but also a connection to the progressive wing in the Pennsylvania Democratic Party, he is linked to Sen. Bernie Sanders and his past presidential campaigns," Costa added. "But he also closed closely with the Biden administration so he hopes to get out a lot of Democrats to have a full coalition this fall against whomever the Republicans decide to nominate tonight."

Fetterman had been a consistent frontrunner for the Democratic party. He previously served as mayor of Braddock, Pennsylvania, from 2005 until 2019. He supports criminal justice system reform, legalizing the recreational use of marijuana and raising the state's minimum wage.

The win comes after a weekend of canceled campaign events as some wondered if Fetterman's health would impact the race. As of 10:57 p.m. Tuesday with 81.3% of the vote counted, the AP projects Fetterman with 59.3% of the vote, Lamb in second with 27% and Kenyatta with 9.6%.

Fetterman tweeted a thank you to his voters after winning the primary on Tuesday night.

In his place to accept primary victory Tuesday night was the second spouse of Pennsylvania.

Barreto Fetterman spoke to Fetterman's supporters about Tuesday's win.

"Thank God he's already on his way to a full recovery. We're so grateful to the doctors, nurses and staff at Penn Medicine Lancaster General who have gone above and beyond to support our family and all the families that they serve," Barreto Fetterman said. "John also wants to thank every single one of you. During one of the hardest weeks of our lives and of this election, you made sure we all felt so supported and so loved."

Barreto Fetterman's speech came hours after she tweeted that his procedure after suffering from a stroke was quote "perfect."

"Pacemakers are a relatively common procedure. It's done with a small incision just under the clavicle," Dr. William Gray, of Main Line Health who did not perform the procedure on Fetterman, said. "Recovery is very, very rapid. Most people go home the next day, the day after, resume most of their usual activities."

As Fetterman recovers his democratic rivals wished him well as they attended watch parties across the state.

Lamb was at Coach's Bottle Shop and Grille in Pittsburgh while Kenyatta was at the Divine Lorraine on North Broad Street in Philadelphia.

President Joe Biden quickly endorsed Fetterman for the Senate, saying electing the Pennsylvania Lieutenant governor "would be a big step forward for Pennsylvania's working people."

"As Pennsylvania's Lieutenant Governor, John Fetterman understands that working class families in Pennsylvania and across the country have been dealt out for far too long," Biden said. "It's time to deal them back in, and electing John to the United States Senate would be a big step forward for Pennsylvania's working people. Democrats are united around John, who is a strong nominee, will run a tough race, and can in win in November."

"And while we await the results of the GOP primary, one thing is clear -- these candidates are not your father's GOP. They have fought a malicious, chaotic primary campaign to be the most extreme," Biden added. "And they have shown people their authentic selves -- that whoever emerges will be too dangerous, too craven, and too extreme to represent Pennsylvania in the United States Senate."

Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey also endorsed Fetterman.

"Tonight, I'm proud to endorse my friend, Lt. Governor John Fetterman, to represent Pennsylvania alongside me in the U.S. Senate. Among a talented, experienced field of candidates, Pennsylvania Democrats chose John to help defend and expand the Senate majority. No matter who wins the Republican primary, the Republicans in this race have shown Pennsylvanians that they're more interested in genuflecting to the former President and his Big Lie than fighting to make the Commonwealth a better place to live and raise a family," Casey said. "In contrast, John is a tireless advocate for working families who has never backed down from a fight. We need his voice in the Senate, and I'm going to do everything I can over the next six months to flip this seat blue and elect John in November."

Lamb won a special election in March 2018 in a district former President Donald Trump won by double digits. Lamb campaigned on protecting and expanding medicare and social security, raising the minimum wage, creating and protecting jobs and strengthening unions.

Kenyatta, of Philadelphia, represents Pennsylvania's 181st district. He is the first openly LGBTQ+ person of color and one of the youngest members elected to the Pennsylvania General Assembly.

Kenyatta is committed to creating an equitable and inclusive society. His platform included addressing generational poverty, protecting workers' rights, increasing access to mental health care and stemming gun violence.

Khalil is an advocate for small business owners and is focused on helping struggling businesses impacted by the pandemic.

CBS3's Jasmine Payoute contributed to this report.

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