J.E.T. Training is where dreams are made and success is reached

The Heartbeat: J.E.T. Training

This is the HEART, HUSTLE, HOME we talk about! "Not all gyms are created equal" is beyond an understatement. I could never pigeonhole J.E.T. Training as it would be unfair but more so, inaccurate. J.E.T. Training is a facility unknowingly manifested years ago when Ed Torres set out on his health and exercise science journey with his degree from Rowan University.

My first experience walking through the doors of J.E.T. Training was the bustling of athletes on all different levels with different goals. I witnessed the athletic pre-teen group training for speed and agility, D1 athletes with LAX sticks in hands sprinting on the treadmill. And let's not forget the MMA fighter rigidly pumping out his daily routine. This place is no joke. It's where dreams are made, and success is reached.

Owner, Ed Torres's passion for fitness on an athletic level has since collided with his full-time job fighting fires himself. Ed, a personal trainer, athlete, strength and conditioning specialist and firefighter, learned the importance of health within the department and has since launched a physical training academy with his own department in Camden. That played a crucial role in the birth of J.E.T. which took off 2 years ago. There was no "building the plane in the air;" this place was wheels up on opening day.

There is so much more behind the name of J.E.T. Training than one would think. J.E.T.  is named after Ed's oldest brother, Jose Enrique Torres who passed away 4 years ago, and that iconic silhouette is Jose himself! Jose took after their father as a hard worker and family man. It must be in blood because it's consistently stated that Ed treats everyone who walks through those doors as family and a million-dollar client! It has been said, "he makes everyone feel like a someone." 

And that is what brings variety through his doors! Just look up at his walls! They speak volumes to the levels of success. J.E.T. has pushed all athletes to their limits. He even pushed 3x cancer survivor Christina who speaks firsthand on how Ed gave her the strength to fight for her own health.

Ed even pushed me to my own limit by making me an honorary firefighter, suiting me up in a mask, tank and putting me to the test.

In J.E.T.'s own words, "Coming together is the beginning, keeping together is progress and working together is success." I have learned all levels are welcome and all goals are attainable here at J.E.T. Two things can coexist... the feeling of being family while being put to the grueling test. Whether you train to fight in the ring, fight for your health or fight fires, it is more than a perfect fit!

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