Danelo Cavalcante believed to have stolen man's work boots as manhunt continues

Man speaks out after work boots disappeared; Police believe escaped prisoner has them

EAST NANTMEAL TOWNSHIP, Pa. (CBS) -- Police said escaped prisoner Danelo Cavalcante is armed with a stolen rifle in the area of South Coventry Township, Chester County on the 13th day of the manhunt.

Neighbors in the area of that police perimeter have certainly been on edge after Monday night's developments. Many are now holed up in their homes as the search continues for the convicted killer. 

Jim Varnes and his wife knew Cavalcante was in their area and he said they've been very vigilant. They've locked their doors and cars as this search goes on. But nothing could have prepared him for Monday night as his home became part of the investigation.

"We had a very interesting night. It was very sleepless," he said.

It started as a pretty typical Monday night for Varnes and his wife on Fairview Road. Jim's wife went out for groceries then they sat down to relax.

"We got our groceries in and then we locked everything up," Varnes said. "And we're just sitting here watching Match TV."

RELATED: Escaped prisoner Danelo Cavalcante armed with rifle, police searching 8-square-mile area

Interview: Man speaks out after work boots disappeared as search for Danelo Cavalcante continues

They knew escaped Chester County inmate Cavalcante was around their area but the Varnes never thought they'd be dragged into the case. Then, they saw the police lights outside.

"Maybe five or 10 minutes later, they were all here," he said. "And we're like 'What the heck's going on?'"

Varnes said police told him a passerby saw a man crouching in the field across from their house and called 911. Then, his wife discovered that Jim's grass-cutting boots were missing from the back porch.

"They would be right down there where the chair was right there," he said.

CBS News Philadelphia.

Police now believe Cavalcante stole the boots from the Varnes' home Monday night, no more than 20 feet from where Jim and his wife were watching TV. Varnes said investigators also found what's believed to be Cavalcante's shoes on their property. Since then, Varnes said they've been mostly confined to their home outside a walk to check on his in-laws down the street with a heavy police presence all around.

"We got a beautiful view here," he said. "It's very, very, very nice."

Varnes said it is scary to know a convicted killer armed with a rifle could be around their home but he believes police are doing their best to bring him in. He just hopes that happens soon.

"We're just trying to live our lives normal, get back to normal in this quiet little community we live in," Varnes said.

Parts of Fairview Road just reopened Tuesday evening. There was a pretty sizeable police presence at Ludwig's Corner Fire Company.

Police do believe Cavalcante is armed with a rifle and have said he is very dangerous.

If you see him, do not approach him and call 911.

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