Bruce Springsteen Signs Absent Letter For Philly Student Who Skipped School To Meet Him

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- OK, so imagine, you're in 5th grade, and you get the opportunity to meet your idol, but you have to skip school to do it. What would you do?

One Philadelphia kid came up with a pretty unique idea and is still hoping it works.

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"I have always been a big Bruce fan," said 10-year-old Michael Fenerty. He skipped school to meet Bruce Springsteen at his book signing on Thursday. The night before, he and his dad, Michael Fenerty Sr., had an idea.

"Michael said, how about if we get a note, and get Bruce Springsteen to sign it," Fenerty Sr. said. The next day, with the note in his pocket, Michael and his dad traipsed through the rain to the Philadelphia Library

"We went into the signing, Bruce spotted Michael, and just lit up, and he just called him up on the stage." That's when Michael Jr. pulled out the note.

"He read the note out loud to the room, and then he signed it, and everyone clapped. Then he said I hope you don't get in trouble."

The next day, Michael Jr. gave a copy to his principal. "She opened it up, and saw it was signed by Bruce. She laughed."

But his fate is still undetermined.

If you did get a detention, would it be worth it?


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