Baltimore Business Fires Back With Billboard After PETA Tries To Curb Crab Eating

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BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Marylanders were going crabby over a PETA billboard in Baltimore that urged them to stop eating crabs, but Jimmy's Seafood has fired back with their own billboard.

The billboard from Jimmy's reads: "SteaMEd crabs. Here to stay. Get Famous."

Jimmy's has also taken on PETA on social media, changing the groups acronym to mean "People Eating Tasty Animal."

The animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals put up their billboard near the Inner Harbor.

'Agony Of Being Boiled Alive': PETA Says Stop Eating Crabs

On the billboard, it has a picture of a crab, along with the caption, "I'm ME, Not MEAT." The billboard will be in place for the Baltimore Seafood Festival on September 15.


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