The contaminated lab that produced lethal drugs

The contaminated lab that produced lethal drugs

"Whatever I said to him, I hope it would be through bars," Willard Mazure told Scott Pelley last year.

The target of Mazure's anger: Barry Cadden, whose Massachusetts compounding pharmacy produced a contaminated steroid that infected Mazure and more than 750 others with fungal meningitis, a painful and sometimes fatal disease.

Massachusetts's U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz seems to agree with Mazure. Ortiz brought criminal charges against Cadden and 13 other New England Compounding Center (NECC) employees. Cadden and one other defendant were also charged with second-degree murder due to the dozens of patients who died from the tainted steroids.

Announcing the massive criminal indictment, Ortiz said that "production and profit were prioritized over safety," a sentiment that Scott heard from one of his sources back in 2013. "The company got greedy and overextended and we got sloppy," former NECC technician Joe Connelly told Pelley. "I would say maybe a dozen times in three years we would find [mold]."

Watch the full 60 Minutes report in the video player above.


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