Arrests made during pro-Palestinian rally at FAU

Emotions flared at FAU pro-Palestinian rally, arrests made

BOCA RATON - What started as a peaceful protest in support of Palestinians on the campus of FAU quickly escalated and emotions flared.

The demonstration eventually got physical and the police got involved.

"I saw the officer grab one of the protesters, one of the girls that was protesting for Palestine and he grabbed her and then I saw her get her head slammed into this gate right here," said Mae Antar, a supporter of Palestinians.

That woman who was seen taken down by an officer was then arrested but she wasn't the only one. Two other demonstrators were also taken into custody and FAU says they're facing charges of battery, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct.

We heard from those supporting Palestinians and those supporting Israelis, who shared their take on the conflict.

"What they're supporting right now is a terror organization and nothing but that," said Nir Baverman, a supporter of Israel.

"Palestinians, Hamas… they're fighting a resistance towards occupation and genocide and ethnic cleansing," said Antar.

"Israel is the Jewish country and back in history even in the Torah it states that it was given to the Jewish people by God. you can't say that you're being oppressed in a place that is not yours," said Inbal Shachar, a supporter of Israel.

"There's so many Palestinian casualties, I think it's up to 1,000 right now. And we're standing with Israel in condemning Hamas for what they're doing, but we're not condemning Israel for the civilians that are being killed," said Menatalla Eltawil, a supporter of Palestinians.

FAU released a statement after the rally which said the school fully supports Israel and condemns the Hamas attacks.

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