Dr. Anthony Youn details how to reverse aging, feel rejuvenated with new book

New book by Dr. Anthony Youn details how to reverse aging

CHICAGO (CBS) -- Dr. Anthony Youn is known as America's favorite holistic plastic surgeon to his 8.5 million followers on TikTok and 1.1 million followers on Instagram.

His new book, "Younger For Life: Feel Great and Look Your Best With The New Science of Autojuvenation" gives tips on how to turn back the clock without going under the knife.

In an interview with CBS 2's Suzanne Le Mignot, Dr. Youn explains what autojuvenation is and how it works.

"It's a term that really describes how our bodies have immense regenerative abilities to rejuvenate itself, to turn back the clock naturally," Dr. Youn said. "but we have to give it the right tools and the right environment in order for it to do so."

Some of those tools include fruits and proteins that help to rejuvenate collagen.

"Collagen is a protein, so it's so important to eat healthy proteins and get enough proteins in your diet," he said.

Proteins suggested for a healthy diet include wild-caught fish, pasture-raised pork, and grass-fed beef. In addition to these proteins, Dr. Youn also suggests adding colorful fruits and vegetables.

"Adding colorful fruits and vegetables, on the other hand, also are fantastic because they contain antioxidants that can fight oxidation and free radicals, which are a major cause of aging of the skin," he said.

In the new book, he dives into what he calls "The Younger For Life Supplement Protocol" following his years of research and found supplements that can slow down and reverse the aging process.  

"The first supplement I consider is Collagen. Hydrolyzed collagen supplements have been proven to improve the collagen of your skin," Dr. Youn said. "So taking a scoop of hydrolyzed collagen into your coffee every morning is a great way to support your skin."

He also recommends taking a daily probiotic to improve gut health, which will show in your skin. Omega 3 fatty acids and fish oil are also suggested as they are anti-inflammatory and can help reduce chronic inflammation of the skin.

As for skincare products to help with collagen production, Dr. Youn says products containing retinol, Vitamin C - such as a serum you can use every morning, and a sunscreen of at least an SPF 30 is good for the skin.

If you want to take your skincare to the next level, red light therapy masks can improve collagen and reduce wrinkles.

"The idea is that red light will actually give energy to your cells, and power your mitochondria, and there are studies that show that it can improve the collagen and the elastin in your skin," he said.

As for price, some masks can cost up to $400, but alternatives like hand-held devices can be much cheaper. There is an alternative available for each budget.

If you plan to use a red-light mask or its alternatives, you'll only need to do so for 10 minutes a few times a week.

For more tips and information about Dr. Youn's new book, visit his website and follow him on social media - including Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube

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