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Free Speech


Supreme Court to hear free speech cases

The Supreme Court is hearing arguments Monday on whether the government crossed a constitutional line by pressuring social media platforms to take down content it deemed misleading on topics like COVID-19 and the 2020 presidential election. They'll also hear arguments in a dispute from the National Rifle Association and could rule on Texas' controversial immigration law. Chief legal correspondent Jan Crawford and CBS News correspondent Omar Villafranca have more on the cases.


Roald Dahl books get controversial revisions

The latest edition of Roald Dahl's children's books include some revisions in the way they refer to race, gender, weight and other issues. The publisher says it's an effort to ensure the books "continue to be enjoyed by all today," but critics are sounding the alarm about censorship. Professor Roy Gutterman, director of the Newhouse School's Tully Center for Free Speech at Syracuse University College of Law, joins CBS News' John Dickerson to discuss.

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