Warriors Fans To Draymond Green: Save Your Aggression For The Basketball Court

OAKLAND (KPIX 5) -- Golden State's Draymond Green is known for being aggressive on the basketball court. Now the Warriors star player has been arrested for an alleged aggression off the court.

Green posted $200 bail and was released after being arrested for assault early Sunday morning.

Video from TMZ shows him in handcuffs, being led away after an altercation outside a bar in East Lansing, Michigan.

According to TMZ Sports, witnesses say a man was repeatedly heckling Green, and the 6'7" 230-pound power forward slapped him.

The victim was a male subject who was uninjured.

Fans in Oakland say the biggest injury may be to Green's reputation. They want Green to save his aggression for the basketball court.

"He has a temper. We all know that," says fan Marcus Faulkner.

"I think that's kind of a good reputation to have for a NBA player" adds Ben Barton. "You've got that toughness that the Warriors need 'cause they're all soft 3-point shooters."

In the post-season playoffs that toughness got Green in hot water. He famously landed a foot to the groin of Oklahoma City Thunder player Steven Adams, and he was forced to sit out one game after a tangle with LeBron James.

"None of that was intentional," says Faulker. "Honestly, it's the heat of the moment. It's basketball."

Faulkner was there last Christmas when Green played Santa Claus at a Target Store in Emeryville, shopping with youngsters in need of new clothes and shoes.

"He's not a bad guy," he says. "I don't want him to soften up or anything but I want him to learn to control his anger."

And control it before it's too late.

"I don't want to see him gone from the Warriors because of some little incident," says Warriors fan Malik Wayne.

The Warriors released a statement saying they're aware of the incident but will make no comment until they have more information.

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