Flooded out Pajaro residents seek answers as levee repairs continue

Pajaro residents split between staying or going as levee repairs continue

PAJARO, Monterey County – Residents who evacuated the community of Pajaro and those who opted to stay say they have countless unanswered questions about the cleanup and recovery of their neighborhood.

"We don't really have a plan. We're just taking it day by day. But we have a feeling it's going to be months before even insurance can cover any damages," said Ruth Ruiz, who evacuated her home in the pre-dawn darkness Saturday morning.

Ruiz said her father was the last to leave the family home as floodwaters were rising. She and her family have not been allowed to return and expressed frustration with the lack of information from the county and emergency officials.

Meanwhile, other residents have chosen to stay, either to secure their property or to get a jump on costly repairs.

Flooding in the community of Pajaro following a levee break, March 2023. CBS

"It's almost six feet deep. It came up all the way to here," said Rigoberto Estrada, gesturing to the water line near the top of his basement stairs.

Estrada said thankfully the water didn't climb into the home's first-floor living area.

"The water didn't go into the first floor of the house, but it went into the basement. That's why I'm still here – pulling out the water with a small pump," he said.

Monterey County officials said they hoped to close the remaining hole in the levee along the Pajaro River. They estimate that complete repair will likely take another two weeks.

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