Coast Guard encourages water safety during summer months

Boat and water safety is critical year round, but especially during summer as more people take to local waterways to cool down. 

The Coast Guard has conducted over 1,000 water rescues in California this year, and they tell KPIX that one of the best life-saving tips is to be aware of your surroundings. 

Wednesday a KPIX 5 team witnessed a live rescue response from the Coast Guard at Station Golden Gate, where lead controller Doug Samp said that all search and rescue cases are preventable. 

"The summertime is the height of boating season and we're seeing a lot more boats coming out for the first time since winter and they run out of gas with the engines not working," he said. 

These issues often prompt the Coast Guard to conduct rescue operations in the Bay and off the coast. They can deploy from their station in Sausalito in minutes and arrive to a rescue, even miles off the coast, in no more than two hours.

"Boating accidents like what we saw last week between a recreation boat and a sailboat," he says, are common. "Last year we responded to 25 drownings not wearing life jackets."

Samp, a 33-year veteran of the Coast Guard, is no stranger to water rescues. 

"California's water is so diverse," says the California native. "I'm blessed to be back here with Coast Guard search and rescue serving the people of California."

The Bay Area's local Coast Guard does more than just search and rescue, but summer hits differently for these crewmembers with water rescues being a part of their daily jobs.

"Their training kicks in they take you ashore to get you help," Samp said. "We'll always be here and we'll never go away and it's tough when people drown not wearing their life jackets.

But the number one life saving tool Samp says is a life vest. He says a shocking number of people wear them incorrectly, or not at all

"Wearing your life jacket is the difference between life and death on the water."

Samp loves this work and says he will never stop trying to help others stay safe.

"Water is unforgiving, the water is cold. If you do get in trouble make sure you know how many people are on board and you should always wear your life jacket."

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