Wife of Downtown Sacramento Partnership CEO speaks about being allegedly attacked by homeless person

Wife of Downtown Sacramento Partnership CEO speaks about being allegedly attacked by homeless person

SACRAMENTO -- Speaking out after a vicious assault on the Capitol Mall, the victim of a random attack is sharing her story and calling for change.

And in this case, the victim is also the wife of the Sacramento Downtown Partnership Executive Director.

Christine Ault is recovering.

"I am well, I am physically healing," Ault said.

She is now recounting how she was targeted in a violent attack on the Capitol Mall.

"This was unprovoked," Ault said. "She grabbed the back of my head and she swung me around right here on the sidewalk. I was in complete shock and taken by total surprise."

Ault called 911 as her attacker left the scene and officers tracked down the suspect, identifying the woman as 39-year-old Theresa Velesquez.

They cited and released Velesquez on misdemeanor assault charges.

A records search shows Velesquez has a long criminal history in Sacramento County with 10 misdemeanor cases filed against her in the past three years.

"What I feel is frustration that we have a broken system," Ault said, "that there is almost as if we're not able to succeed within the structure of which we are living in this system."

Michael Ault is Christine Ault's husband. He is the longtime executive director of the Sacramento Downtown Partnership, a business advocacy association. He is also a recent advocate for adding a mental health clinic at the Sacramento County Jail.

Now the Aults' downtown safety is more than work-related.

"This is something that has been a political issue in the downtown area, and suddenly it's not just political, it's personal in your house, has that changed the conversation?" CBS13's Steve Large asked.

"No...no," Christina Ault said.

A random attack - on Capitol Mall. The victim, already connected to downtown civic leaders.

Now she's got a scary experience she wants to use for change.

"If my relationship to the Downtown Partnership or to my professional connections is giving me this opportunity to have a voice -then I'm going to take it," Christine Ault said.

Sacramento police confirm the District Attorney did get a judge to sign off on an arrest warrant for Ault's attacker on Thursday. Police would not give details on the new warrant's charges. 

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