Spectators could face fines in newest attempt to crack down on Sacramento sideshows

Spectators could face fines in newest attempt to crack down on Sacramento sideshows

SACRAMENTO – Sacramento city leaders considering new legal tools to stop illegal sideshows.

Councilmember Lisa Kaplan is introducing a new proposal that goes after people standing on the sidelines.

"This is something that is escalating, there are now guns involved. It is a danger to our community," Kaplan said. "If you're out there, even if you're participating and watching, you're going to be fined."

If approved, anyone gathered within 200 feet of street racing or a sideshow could get a $1,000 ticket.

"Even if you're just sitting on the sidewalk because you heard your friend was in it, you're going to be in just as much trouble as somebody driving a car," Kaplan said.

Police say it's common for large crowds to gather at sideshow locations.

"You see, that there's a large amount of people present, upwards to over 100 people," said Anthony Gamble with the Sacramento Police Department.

The city is also looking at issuing fines to passengers inside a vehicle and going after sideshow drivers for all the damage done to the surface of city streets.

"To see if we can get restitution because it costs about $3,000 to re-stripe our crosswalks," Kaplan said.

People who live in sideshow-prone neighborhoods support more enforcement efforts.

"This is now putting lives in danger and we can't have that in our community for somebody who wants to joyride and pretend they're on Fast and Furious," Kaplan said.

These proposed new measures are based on laws already in effect in cities like Fresno and Oakland.

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