Sacramento County putting users of illegal fireworks on notice with threatening letters

Sacramento County sending threatening letters to users and sellers of illegal fireworks

SACRAMENTO - Sacramento County is using the power of past complaints to tackle future violations. 

And with the fourth right around the corner, they hope this letter-writing campaign douses the desire to set off illegal fireworks. The fourth of July is still more than a week away, but illegal fireworks complaints are already coming in.

"It just is getting ridiculous," said Lee Miller, a member of the group Residents Against Illegal Fireworks.

Miller says she hears them nearly every night in her Sacramento neighborhood.

"I mean big booms all over the place, almost blew out the windows," said Miller.

And every time she hears a pop or crackle, she has concerns about the field behind her home.

"I'm scared to death that this thing is going to go up in flames because somebody is firing off illegal fireworks," she said.

Now Sacramento County is taking new steps to discourage illegal firework use. This warning letter is being mailed out to addresses where illegal fireworks have been seen in the past.

It's essentially saying, "We know where you live, and don't do it again."

"We've sent almost 300 of them so far this year," said Kim Nava, a Sacramento County spokesperson.

Violators face fines under a new law making it easier to cite people caught setting off illegal fireworks. It's called a social host ordinance. When someone is seen using them, authorities no longer have to write a ticket in person. Instead, the citation is issued to the property owner in the mail.


"This is just one more tool in the toolbox to make sure that everyone enjoys a safe 4th of July without any risk of fire or injury," said Nava.

"I think it's a great idea, it's a really good start," said Miller.

Lee is so fed up that she started Residents Against Illegal Fireworks to try and encourage more people to get involved and to help get bottle rockets, M-80s, and other contraband off the streets.

"Report, report, report," she said. "We will continue to work on this year after year."

First-time violators face a $1,000 penalty and multiple violations can cost $5,000. Anyone using fireworks inside the American River Parkway can get a $10,000 ticket.

Authorities say residents should report illegal fireworks sales and usage through the following methods:

If possible, residents should include the exact address of the violation.

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